« A good way to experience the spirit of Paris » – Airfrance Magazine
In 2016, David Lécuiller (formerly of L’Oréal) and his associates had the idea of taking over Paris boutiques that had closed and transforming them into suites with services. In this one, the shop window on…
« Reading in bed » – Airfrance Magazine
Some dream of spending the night in a toy shop or a patisserie. Here in this 45 m2 hotel suite in a former bookstore…
In deze boekwinkel in Parijs kun je overnachten
Mocht je op stedentrip naar Parijs gaan, dan is het wellicht een leuk idee om te overnachten in een boekwinkel. Te midden van de historische wijk Le Marais heeft hotelketen Paris Boutik een hotelkamer opgericht genaamd La Libraire.
« Discovering Paris Boutik »
As someone who travels frequently, I love submerging myself into the culture and living like a local, even if it is only for a few da…
« Giveaway : stay in marais at Paris Boutik »
Hands down the Marais is one of my favorite areas to wander around, from the Musee Carnavalet, Place des Vosges, Cafe Charlot, Fragme…
« Felt immediately like an upgraded version of home! »
The first thing that struck my eye when I looked at the hotel was the incredible interior that is furnished with shelves of books that re…
« Can you imagine the perfect accommodation in Paris? »
I will show you my definition of an unforgettable and unique hotel experience…
« Sleepover in a Paris Bookshop »
Bookworms, library lovers and Parisphiles gather round. In the heart of the city, behind the facade of an old bookshop in the Marais, a secret awaits…
(Portugese) « A ‘livraria’ francesa onde você pode, literalmente, passar a noite »
Chamado, sem surpresas, de La Librarie, o local faz parte de um projeto chamado Paris Boutik, que tem como objetivo transformar antigos pontos comerciais…